Foundational Questions
- What are our community’s educational needs?
- Are we fulfilling a need, or are we developing new innovation?
- What do we want to be known for?
- What makes us special/different?
- How do we establish ourselves as players in economic growth and development?
- How do we help failing kids?
- When could we convene an event in Provo to share our ideas?
- How do we teach differently with Google Fiber?
- Who should be on our advisory board?
- How should we publicize our plan?
- How do we prepare our students for the future?
- How can we make it go viral?
New Learning Models
- What if we could expand a student’s experience around the world without purchasing a plane ticket?
- How do we teach entrepreneurship skills to kids?
- How can we use a competency-based model to unleash creativity in kids?
- What if we could help people gain new skills and/or certify with less cost?
- What if our community could develop a pilot/magnet school that served as a “showcase” of what is possible in early/middle grades?
- What if we created a model school for visitors?
- How can this work serve non-traditional learning? How can this work serve traditional learning?
- What if we could bring lecturers in from all over the world?
- What if we could make the online learning environment more social and interactive?
- How do we establish thought leadership in personalized learning?
- What if all of our classrooms were connected and led by innovative teachers?
- What if we could encourage recreational learning at all ages w/quality learning opportunities focused around tech and innovation?
- What if we could use tech/internet to connect students with subject area experts?
- What if UVU offered online concurrent enrollment?
- Which thought leaders can we invite to participate?
- What if our schools had daily partners who demonstrated how they use technology/internet to promote innovation/entrepreneurship ideals?
- How can we build a powerful apprenticeship system?
- What if we could share best practices?
- What if we could align efforts?
- How can we connect with/feature local experts?
- How can we get other mayors and chambers of commerce to visit?
- How do we leverage shared resources?
- How can we share our city more with others?
- What if we could easily share resources and content?
- What if we could make Provo cultural/educational events(live streams and archives) available to anyone?
- How do we leverage ubiquitous connectivity?
- What if we could leverage high-speed internet to ensure that education quality doesn't depend on household income level?
- How can we leverage social media?
- How do we assist residents to overcome the digital divide?
- What if 100% of households found the internet to be relevant to their lives?
- How do we teach kids to use technology to produce value vs. only consume “stuff”?
- Change how we teach and what we teach.
- What if we created public collaborative learning centers(e.g. for online students to gather and share ideas, coding/development academies for kids, maker spaces, etc.)?
- Create master/competency based education?
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